與and相似,表達「以及」的片語:along with、as well as - 空中美語部落格

與and相似,表達「以及」的片語:along with、as well as


表達「以及」的英文片語_along with和as well as

表達「和;以及」除了最常用的and外,今天再教大家兩個片語用法:① along with ②as well as,兩者的差異在於前者比較強調「伴隨著一起」,例句如下:

📌 along with 以及

Tony went shopping and bought some new shirts along with a new pair of shoes. 

📌 as well as 以及

You can find many Japanese dishes at this restaurant, as well as a few Korean ones. 

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