英文片語「as well as」vs.「as well」一字之差,但用法完全不同 - 空中美語部落格

英文片語「as well as」vs.「as well」一字之差,但用法完全不同



比較 as well vs. as well as 的用法差異
as well as」和「as well」是兩個很常見也常搞混的片語,僅一字之差,但用法各異 👉 as well as為對等連接詞,和 and 同義;as well 則為副詞片語,中文意思和 too, also 一樣為「也…」。

句型:A + as well as +B   A和B

 1.  A 和 B 詞性或結構要相同,例如都是動詞、名詞、片語、子句等。
To find my phone, I looked under the couch as well as behind the TV.
 2.   動詞單複數變化要與 A 一致。
Mrs. Lee as well as her husband drives to work.
The students as well as their teacher are going to the field trip.
此用法文法上雖正確,但母語人士遇到此類情況多以 both ... and ... 敘述,因此這句更常用以下說法:
Both the students and their teachers are going to the field trip.
 as well as 也可以作介系詞使用,後面須接名詞或動名詞;這也就是為什麼我們會看到某些句子中 as well as 後方接的是 V-ing。
The teacher needs to prepare for the lessons as well as checking the students' homework.


句型:S+V… + as well   也…

副詞片語 as well 表示「也…」的意思,語意相當於too、also。3種「也是」的用法比較
由於 as well 並非連接詞,故連接不同的語法單位時(片語、子句等),須與連接詞(and或but)搭配。
I like cooking new dishes and baking desserts as well.
= I like cooking new dishes and baking desserts, too.
= I like cooking new dishes and I also love baking desserts.
