用英文句型「To one's +情緒性名詞」來表達心情 - 空中美語部落格

用英文句型「To one's +情緒性名詞」來表達心情




句型:To one's + 情緒性名詞 , S + V 「令某人感到…的是…」


常見的名詞有 disbelief(不可置信;懷疑)、surprise、delight(愉快)、disappointment(失望)、regret、sorrow、relief、excitement、satisfaction(滿足)、embarrassment(難堪)、anger、horror 等。

②本句型亦可改寫為 「To the + 情緒性名詞 + of sb , S + V」

To Paul's disappointment, the store closed before he got there.
To many people's anger, the city government announced that some public parks would close.
To the anger of many people, the city government announced that some public parks would close.
To millions of fans' disappointment, the popular band broke up.
To the disappointment of millions of fans, the popular band broke up.

③ 可以用 much + to one's N 或是 to one's + great + N 加強語氣

Much to my relief, I was able to get a seat on the train for the long trip to Kaohsiung.
To my great relief, I was able to get a seat on the train for the long trip to Kaohsiung.

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