英文俚語「the elephant in the room?」是說大象在房間裡? - 空中美語部落格

英文俚語「the elephant in the room?」是說大象在房間裡?


an elephant in the room表顯而易見但卻避而不談的問題

(Picture from freepik.com-gstudioimagen)
你可曾在英文的新聞報章媒體中看過這句俚語👉「an/the elephant in the room」?它並不是真的在指房間裡有一頭大象🐘,而是一個帶有諷刺意味的說法用來表示「人們不願多談但卻顯而易見的棘手問題

📌 an/the elephant in the room (人們不願多談卻難以忽視的)棘手問題

All of David's friends know that he's been drinking too much and damaging his life. But they all ignore the elephant in the room and pretend to have fun when he's around.  

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