「聽天由命」可以用「be the luck of the draw」表示 - 空中美語部落格

「聽天由命」可以用「be the luck of the draw」表示


be the luck of the draw聽天由命;碰碰運氣

(Picture from freepik.com-master1305)
有一句話說「運氣也是實力的一部份🍀」,很多時候儘管我們一切都準備的很完全,但仍有我們無法掌握的部份,這時只能「聽天由命碰運氣~英文說法可以用👉「be the luck of the draw」,其中draw有抽籤的意思,整句語意就是「如同抽籤一樣全憑運氣」

📍 be the luck of the draw 聽天由命;碰碰運氣

There are four groups for this class activity. It's the luck of the draw which group you're in, so you might not be with your friends.

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