穿越時空的時尚! - 空中美語部落格




●你塗紅色口紅看起來很美! You look gorgeous with red lipstick on! 

●John在表演前很緊張。 John had butterflies in his stomach before the show.

●我的鬍子長太快了,所以我每隔一天就刮鬍。 My beard grows fast, so I shave every other day.

●戴口罩就是時尚。 Wearing masks is fashion.

●復古風是最新的流行趨勢。 Vintage is the new black.

●這瓶抗老霜能讓你保持青春。 This anti-aging cream can keep you looking young.

●我就是想花掉這筆錢。 This money is burning a hole in my pocket.

●我厭倦了我的髮型,所以我在考慮換個新造型。 I’m tired of my hair style, so I’m thinking about getting a new cut. 

●這支新的智慧型手機花了我一大筆錢。 This new smartphone cost me an arm and a leg.

