三種英文表達「偏好、比較喜歡」的句型一次學起來! - 空中美語部落格



(Picture from freepik.com-master1305)
「青菜蘿蔔各有所好」,英文我們可以用 would rather + V1 + than + V2 來表達「寧願…而不願…;喜歡…勝過…」的偏好喜好,另外還有兩個意思相同可互相替換使用的句型,讓你英文口說更加靈活不單調!


would rather + V1 + than + V2
= prefer to + V1 + rather than + V2
= prefer + V1-ing + to + V2-ing
Kyle would rather watch people play baseball than play it himself.
=Kyle prefers to watch people play baseball rather than play it himself.
=Kyle prefers watching people play baseball to playing it himself.
Linda would rather spend money on clothes than keep it in her savings.
=Linda prefers to spend money on clothes rather than keep it in her savings.
=Linda prefers spending money on clothes to keeping it in her savings.

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