【代名詞】「複合關係代名詞 what」與關係代名詞哪裡不一樣? - 空中美語部落格

【代名詞】「複合關係代名詞 what」與關係代名詞哪裡不一樣?



代替「物」的複合關係代名詞「what」一般關係代名詞不一樣的地方在於👉它同時兼具先行詞(the thing(s))與關係代名詞 that 的作用,所以 what 可以代換成 the thing(s) that,而其後所引導的子句並非關係子句,而是名詞子句,可作為主詞受詞補語

總結「複合關係代名詞 what」兩大特色:

🌟 前方不會有先行詞

🌟 其後所引導的子句為「名詞子句」


● 作主詞:

The thing that is different about this new phone is it has a better camera.
→  What is different about this new phone is it has a better camera.
The thing that is worrying the police is the sudden increase in drug crimes.
→ What is worrying the police is the sudden increase in drug crimes.

● 作受詞:

Zack finally told his family the thing that made him want to quit his job.
→  Zack finally told his family what made him want to quit his job.

● 作補語:

Burial Rites' remote setting is the thing that gives it many of its special qualities.
→  Burial Rites' remote setting is what gives it many of its special qualities.
Mary's kindness is the thing that makes her so special to me.
→ Mary's kindness is what makes her so special to me. 

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