【易錯文法】英文表無論、不管的「no matter」用法 - 空中美語部落格

【易錯文法】英文表無論、不管的「no matter」用法


no matter + 疑問詞 的用法

你是不是會常常搞混 no matter whatwhatever 的用法差異呢?沒關係~以下直接幫你整理好 no matter 的句型用法囉:


💡「no matter + 疑問詞」形成從屬連接詞引導副詞子句,可修飾主要子句,意指「無論…(都…)」,句型如下:

No matter what Simone's parents think, she has decided to drop out of college.
No matter how much time Julie spends practicing, she can't seem to get the song right.
No matter whom you're shopping for, you'll find something at this store.


No matter who comes to this restaurant, they always find the food delicious and the service friendly.

💡「no matter + 疑問詞」可用「疑問詞 + ever」來代替:

No matter where Fiona goes, her dog will follow.
Wherever Fiona goes, her dog will follow.

No matter which train you choose to take, make sure you arrive at the station early.
➡ Whichever train you choose to take, make sure you arrive at the station early.
You can always find great deals no matter when you visit the discount store.
➡ You can always find great deals whenever you visit the discount store.
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