【懶人包】你不可不知的常用英文縮寫! - 空中美語部落格


你知道"LOL"在外國人聊天時超常用的嗎?它指的可不是電玩英雄聯盟喔,而是"laugh out loud"的簡寫,「大笑」的意思


Gr8 = Great「gr + eight(8)」好極的;很棒的
4U = for you 「four + you」給你
2M/2moro/tmr = tomorrow「two + morrow」明天
2N/2nite = tonight 今晚

aka = also known as 又叫做;亦稱

bff = best friends forever 永遠最好的朋友

afk = away from keyboard 不在;不在位子上

atm = at the moment 此刻;現在

b4 = before 之前

bn= bad news 壞消息

boyf = boyfriend 男朋友

gf = girl friend 女朋友

bro = brother 兄弟

sis = sister 姊妹

grl = girl 女孩

bt = but 但是

cc = carbon copy 副本

cu = see you 再見

etc. = et cetera …等等

fwd/fw = forward 轉寄

gnite = good night 晚安

h8 = hate 恨;討厭

hw = homework 回家作業

ic = i see 我了解

idc = i don’t care 我不在乎

idk = i don’t know 我不知道

jk = just kidding 跟你開玩笑的

k = okay 好;OK

l8r = later 之後

lmao = laughing my ass off 大笑(把屁股都笑掉了)

lol = laughing out loud 大笑

nm = never mind 沒關係

oic = oh, i see 喔,我了解了

omg = oh my god 喔我的天

pls/plz = please拜託

ppl = people 人們

q&a = questions and answers 有問有答

QQ = crying 哭哭

rip = rest in peace 願死者安息

tbd = to be determined 待確認

thx = thanks 謝謝

ttyl = talk to you later 晚點聊

tyt = take your time 別著急、慢慢來

ur = your 你的

w.e = whatever 隨便

XQQ = excuse 不好意思

y? = why? 為什麼?

ZZZ = sleepy 睡覺狀態



asap = as soon as possible 盡快

bid = break it down 細分明細

btw = by the way 順帶一提

cob = close of business 下班時

eob = end of business 下班時

eod = end of day 今天以內

doe = depending on experience 視工作經驗而定

eta = estimated time of arrival 預計到達時間

faq = frequently asked questions 常問的問題

fyi = for your information 供你參考(郵件常用)

fyr = for your reference 供你參考

fyu = for your use 供你使用

iam = in a meeting 會議中

imo = in my opinion 個人淺見、在我看來

let = leaving early today 今天提早走

lmk = let me know 讓我知道、通知我

mom = month over month 月度比較

mtd = month to date 月初到現在

ooo = out of office 不在辦公室

ot = over time 加班

otp = on the phone 通話中

pa = performance appraisal 績效考核

poc = point of contact 首要聯繫人

pto = paid time off 帶薪休假

nda = non-disclosure agreement 保密合約

nrn = no reply necessary 不需回覆

rfd = request for discussion 請求討論

rsvp = please reply 請回覆

tba = to be announced 待公佈

tbd = to be determined 待決定

tcc = teleconference call 電話會議

tos = terms of service 服務條款

tyt = take your time 別著急、慢慢來

wfh = work from home 在家辦公

ytd = year to date 年底、今年之內



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