3 個表達「適應」新環境、新生活或新工作的英文片語 - 空中美語部落格

3 個表達「適應」新環境、新生活或新工作的英文片語


片語:settle into sth (使)適應…

隨著新學年開始,你是否正在「適應」新的環境、新的同伴和新的人生階段?今天就來教大家 3 個可以用來表達「適應新環境」的英文片語:

settle into sth(使)適應…(新環境、新生活、新工作等)

When Olivia moved away from home, her parents helped her settle into her new apartment.

fit in 適應、融入環境

Heather tried really hard to fit in at school; she even changed the way she dressed.

sth take some getting used to 某事物需要花時間適應、習慣

Going to a new school took some getting used to, but now Jenny is happy there.

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