「順路載我一程」英文怎麼說?pick up? drop off? - 空中美語部落格

「順路載我一程」英文怎麼說?pick up? drop off?


pick up、 drop off 的用法差異

想搭便車請人「載一程」時,英文可以用「drop off」表達,意思就是順路到某處把我放下車;與 pick up 相反,pick up 是到某處接人上車,以下例句:

📌 drop sth/sb off  把某物/某人送到某處

Fabio dropped his daughter off at school while on his morning drive to work.

📌 pick up 用車接送(某人);領取(某物)

I need the car tomorrow to pick up my girlfriend at the airport.
Dad, could you pick me up at school this evening?

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