「pick up」的5種常見用法 - 空中美語部落格

「pick up」的5種常見用法



「pick up」的5個常見用法
pick up」是日常中非常好用的口語英文,這裡小編就精選5個最常見的用法給大家,來看看吧:

① 撿起;舉起

Pick up a dumbbell 舉起啞鈴
Don't pick up money on the street. 路上的錢不要撿
Tanya dropped her phone. When she picked it up, she saw it didn't work.
Tanya 摔了她的手機,撿起來時她看到手機壞了。


I need the car tomorrow to pick up my girlfriend at the airport.
Dad, could you pick me up at school this evening?

③ 接收(訊號)

Peggy couldn't pick up her favorite Tainan radio station because she was too far away from the city. 

④ 購買

Can you pick up some milk for me when you go to the store later?

⑤ 習得(技能);養成(習慣)

Ken picked up a few new drawing tips in today's art class.
Ken 從今天的美術課上學到了一些新的繪畫技巧。

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