你今天厭世嗎? - 空中美語部落格






被當 flunk the course

重修 repeat the course

留級 repeat the grade / get held back

學貸 student loan



單身 single

渣男渣女 two-timer

人間蒸發 ghost



午餐吃什麼 What’s for lunch?

無限加班 work overtime



免疫力下降 immunodeficient / immunocompromised

*還可以這麼說→weak immune system / get sick easily / sickly

自律神經失調 dysautonomia

體力不支 exhausted



相親 blind date

算命 fortune-telling



肩頸僵硬 neck and shoulder stiffness

胃痛 stomachache

經痛 cramp



啤酒肚 beer belly

皺紋 wrinkle

掉髮 hair loss

健忘 absentminded / absent-minded



豬隊友 slacker

情緒勒索 emotional blackmail

金錢壓力 financial pressure



炫富 flex

八卦 gossip

虛偽 hypocrite

爛好人 yes-man

