「沒有」的英文:There is no /not any差異在哪? - 空中美語部落格

「沒有」的英文:There is no /not any差異在哪?



(Picture from freepik.com-pch.vector)
這裡有…;那裡有…」英文說法可以用There is / are,而「沒有」則有兩種用法「there is no」或「there is not any」,來看例句了解其差異吧:

📌 There is/are no + N(s)…

= There is/are not + any + N(s)… 沒有…

There's no food in the fridge. We need to go to the supermarket today.
= There isn't any food in the fridge. We need to go to the supermarket today.

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