愛美是人的天性,「打扮漂亮」的英文為「dress/doll up」 - 空中美語部落格

愛美是人的天性,「打扮漂亮」的英文為「dress/doll up」


「打扮漂亮」的英文片語:dress up、doll up

(Picture from freepik.com-terdpongvector)
愛美愛帥是人的天性,為此「打扮」不可少,英文有兩種說法「dress up」和「doll up」,dress 名詞為洋裝,當動詞則為穿衣打扮;而doll名詞為洋娃娃,動詞則也有打扮漂亮的意思,來看例句:

📌 dress up/doll up 打扮漂亮

Danny combed his hair and got dolled up for his first date with Jamie.(偏美式用法)
= Danny combed his hair and dolled up for his first date with Jamie.(英式用法)
= Danny combed his hair and dressed up for his first date with Jamie.
Danny 為了他和Jamie的第一次約會梳頭打扮。

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