一言難盡時,試試別種表達方式「a picture is worth a thousand words」 - 空中美語部落格

一言難盡時,試試別種表達方式「a picture is worth a thousand words」


一畫勝千言萬語 a picture is worth a thousand words

(Picture from rawpixel.com)
你是否有過「用言語難以表達 😣」的時候呢?例如:一幅美景、一張畫作,必須親眼去看才能意會,英文可以這樣說「a picture is worth a thousand words  一畫勝千言」,來看例句:

📌 a picture is worth a thousand words 一畫勝千言

Betty showed me a photo of the beach instead of describing it because a picture is worth a thousand words

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