其實很簡單!include 的3種用法 - 空中美語部落格

其實很簡單!include 的3種用法


include 用法大全一次學會!

今天要來教英文「include的用法」,它在動詞、形容詞 included/inclusive、介系詞 including…等的不同的詞性下,會有位置擺放的差異,來看以下例句:

📌 S+ include +N/V-ing

include (v.) 包含;把...算入 
The meal includes a burger, a soda, and fries.
這份餐點包含1 個漢堡、1 杯汽水和薯條。
The bill includes tax and the service charge.
Amy's meal included pork, rice, and some fresh vegetables.

📌 S + V..., N/V-ing + included

included (adj.) 包含在內的;被包括在內的

過去分詞 included 當形容詞,意為「包含在內的;作為一部分的」,必須放在其修飾的名詞之後。
I've been to so many countries, Guatemala included.
The movie ticket costs a total of NT$250, tax included.
這張電影票含稅總共是新臺幣 250 元。
People can see beautiful flowers in the park, lilies and roses included.

📌 S + V..., including / inclusive of + N/V-ing 

including (prep.) 包含...

inclusive of (phr.) 包含...

including 為介系詞,其後接名詞作為受詞,引出前方子句所述的事物,與前方子句之間常會加上逗號隔開。
My classmates ate all the snacks, including my cookies.
All of us are writers, inclusive of me.
The house rent is NT$8,500 per month, including water and gas bills.
每個月的房租含水費及瓦斯費共新臺幣 8,500 元。
📌 影音教學:https://youtu.be/c08F73JLWUk

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