「have sth up one's sleeve」是在說東西藏在袖子裡? - 空中美語部落格

「have sth up one's sleeve」是在說東西藏在袖子裡?



(Picture from freepik.com)
還記得看魔術表演時,魔術師的袖子裡總是藏有各種祕密機關嗎?有句英文俚語跟這很像「have sth up one's sleeve」,字面意思指在袖子裡藏了什麼,延伸用意就是指某人「暗中留有一手、有錦囊妙計」!

📌 have sth up one's sleeve  有錦囊妙計

I have a trick up my sleeve to get this job. My father knows the owner of the company and I can ask him for help. 

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