菲國立新法,要畢業先種10棵樹! - 空中美語


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Graduation Legacy for the Environment Act
The create the air that we breathe. However, our planet loses about 7 billion trees every year.Forests burn down or are cut down at very fast speeds.
The House of Representatives has approved on third and final reading a bill requiring all graduating elementary,high school, and college students to plant at least 10 trees each before they can graduate.
create (v.) 創造;創建
breathe (v.) 呼吸
however (adv.) 然而
planet (n.) 行星
billion (n.) 十億
forests (n.) 森林
burn down 垮下;塌下
cut down 砍掉
graduation (n.) 畢業;獲得畢業文憑
legacy (n.) 遺產
environment (n.) 自然環境
act (n.) 法案
The House of Representatives (n.) 眾議院 
approved (adj.) 批准的;認可的
bill (n.) 議案;法案
require  (v.) 需要;有賴於;要求;規定
graduate (n.) 畢業生 (v,) 畢業
elementary (adj.) 初級的;基礎的
elementary school 國小
college students (n.) 大學生 
plant  (n.) 植物 (v.) 種植