同樣是「路邊停車」,「pull into」和「pull over」差別在哪? - 空中美語部落格

同樣是「路邊停車」,「pull into」和「pull over」差別在哪?


pull over、pull into兩個停車英文的差異

(Picture from freepik.com-wlcomia)
你搭過計程車🚕嗎?要請司機在路邊停車時該說「pull over」還是「pull into」呢?今天小編就來教大家兩者的微妙差異吧:

📌 pull into sth(車輛或司機)將車停在…;停靠在…*通常用在抵達目的地而停靠車子

The police car pulled into the parking lot and started looking for car thieves.

📌 pull over 路邊停車 *多指駛離主要道路「停靠在路邊」

Janie was lost as she drove around the countryside, so she pulled over and checked her map.

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