【英文寫作超實用】表語氣轉折的英文「轉承詞」有哪些? - 空中美語部落格



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不管是中文還是英文都需要有「轉承詞」的存在,用來帶出語氣、情境的轉折、補充或因果關係等,以下幾種常見轉承詞趕緊筆記起來,學會就能英文寫作Level upup!

📍 表「原因、結果」:

as a result  結果;因此
therefore、hence、thus  因此
so that 為了;以便
in order to 為了
I feed the dogs first thing every morning; therefore, they are excited when I wake up.
In order to get a good grade, Tom studied very hard for the quiz.

📍 表「語氣轉折、比較」

on the other hand  另一方面
however、nevertheless  然而
in contrast  相較之下
on the contrary 相反地
This isn't a medical condition to worry about. On the contrary, it's a special part of your personality.

📍 表「補充說明、強調、列舉」

besides  此外
what's more  再者;而且
in addition  除此之外
in other words  換言之;換句話說
We will pay you NT$1,500 to perform at the show. In addition, we will drive you to the event.

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