簡單四步驟!一次搞懂如何使用關係副詞where合併句子 - 空中美語部落格



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📌 使用關係副詞合併兩個句子時,只要遵循以下四個重點就可以很快上手:
1. 找到「共同的名詞」
2. 找到「介系詞 + 共同的名詞
3. 以「介系詞 + which」連接兩個句子
4. 將「介系詞 + which」替換成 where
句1:My sister is planning a special dinner.
句2:She'll tell the family she's getting married at the dinner.
My sister is planning a special dinner at which she'll tell the family she's getting married.
My sister is planning a special dinner where she'll tell the family she's getting married.
*** Scott booked a room in the hotel in which he had stayed during his previous visit to London.
Scott booked a room in the hotel where he had stayed during his previous visit to London
*** I forgot my wallet and I was in a situation where I had to ask my classmate to pay for my lunch.

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