皮克斯動畫首位 LGBTQ 主角 描繪出櫃心境引共鳴 - 空中美語部落格

皮克斯動畫首位 LGBTQ 主角 描繪出櫃心境引共鳴


(Photo by Max Cortez on Unsplash)

In May 2020, Pixar Animation Studios released the short animated film Out on Disney+, Disney's streaming media service.

2020 年 5 月,皮克斯動畫工作室於迪士尼串流媒體平臺「Disney+」推出了動畫短片《Out》。

It is the first Pixar film to feature an LGBTQ main character. Previously, Disney and Pixar featured only secondary LGBTQ characters in their media. 

這是皮克斯首部由 LGBTQ 角色擔任主角的動畫片;在過去,迪士尼和皮克斯動畫中的 LGBTQ 角色僅作為次要角色。

The story is about a young man, Greg, who moves in with his boyfriend, Manuel. As a surprise, Greg's parents show up to help him move.

這個故事講述一位青年 Greg 搬入男友 Manuel 家同住,令人吃驚地,Greg 的父母現身幫忙搬家。

While his parents are there, Greg magically switches bodies with his dog, Jim! As Jim, Greg tries to hide evidence of his relationship with Manuel.

當父母到場時,Greg 神奇地與他的狗 Jim 互換了身體!變為 Jim 的 Greg 試著將他與 Manuel 有戀愛關係的證據藏起來。

However, he finally finds the courage to come out to his parents.


Out is loosely based on Pixar animator Steven Clay Hunter's own coming-out experience. Many viewers reacted positively and emotionally to the film. They said the message was a big step forward.

《Out》的情節大致上以皮克斯動畫片製作者 Steven Clay Hunter 自身的出櫃經驗為根據,許多觀眾給予這部短片正面且熱烈的反響,他們表示,這部短片所傳達的訊息是前進的一大步。