「make a practice of sth」中文意思是「養成…的習慣」 - 空中美語部落格

「make a practice of sth」中文意思是「養成…的習慣」


(Photo by Stefany Andrade on Unsplash)


「practice」再英文名詞中有「練習」的意思,但如果聽到外國人跟你說到「make a practice of sth」時,其實這句是在講「養成…的習慣,經常做…」喔
make a practice of sth 養成…的習慣,經常做…
👉 I'll do your washing for you this time, but I'm not going to make a practice of it.
practice + V-ing 練習…
👉 Jill practices playing the violin for 30 minutes every day.