女權大躍進 蘇丹割禮入罪化 - 空中美語部落格

女權大躍進 蘇丹割禮入罪化


(Image From:flickr_Newtown grafitti)


2020 年 4 月,蘇丹將一項被許多人視為殘忍的習俗列為犯罪行為。

In Apr i l 2020, Sudan made a practice illegal that many see as cruel.


Female genital mutilation (FGM) means cutting off some or all of a woman's genitals.


It is done in parts of Africa and Asia. The practice badly affects the lives of women in countries where it's common.


International groups have been calling for an end to FGM for a long time.


Now, anyone who performs it in Sudan will be punished.


Even with the damage that it does, FGM is traditionally popular in Sudanese(蘇丹的)culture.


Some parts of the country already tried to stop it, but enforcement was difficult.

這項新的國家法令由這個國家的新政府所制訂,蘇丹的前領導人在 2019 年被軍方奪權。

The national law comes from the country's new government. Sudan's old leader was removed from power by the military in 2019.


In a statement, the Minister of Religious Affairs(宗教部部長)called FGM “outdated.” He also said it was not supported by Islam(伊斯蘭教), the country's major religion.