記錄香港反送中運動 路透社獲普立茲突發新聞攝影獎 - 空中美語部落格

記錄香港反送中運動 路透社獲普立茲突發新聞攝影獎


(Image From:wikimedia/此為示意圖非作品)
Pulitzer Prize 普立茲獎,是美國新聞界的最高榮譽,用於獎勵報章雜誌媒體中的新聞報導與攝影作品。

香港人民於 2019 年 6 月開始向他們的政府抗議。

The people of Hong Kong began protesting againsttheir government in June 2019.


At first, they were protesting a new law. Later, they added further demands, including the freedom to choose their own leaders.


Many reporters covered the protests. One group, the photography team from news organization Reuters(路透社), took many amazing pictures.

他們的影像作品拿下了 2020 年普立茲獎突發新聞攝影獎。普立茲獎是新聞界首屈一指的獎項。

For their work, they received the 2020 Pulitzer Prize in Breaking News Photography. The Pulitzer Prize is the most important award in journalism.


The pictures show many aspects of the protests. These include battles with the police, but also normal life during this time.


Some show people who clean up after protests. Others feature politicians, students, workers, and children.


These photos give a true picture of life in Hong Kong during the protests. They also show the dangers that protesters faced in their fight for democracy.