表「組成、構成」的英文片語「consist of」、「be composed of」差異在哪 - 空中美語部落格

表「組成、構成」的英文片語「consist of」、「be composed of」差異在哪



make up、compose、consist of 都有「組成」的意思,其中除了 consist of 沒有被動語態以外,另外兩者都有主動、被動兩種用法,來看例句:

📝 A由B組成

* A be made up of B = B make up A

Jack wants his new car company to be made up of the most talented engineers in the world.

= Jack wants the most talented engineers in the world to make up his new car company.


* A be composed of B = B compose A

35% of Taiwan's population is composed of Buddhists

= Buddhists compose 35% of Taiwan's population.

臺灣人口由 35% 的佛教徒組成。此用法偏正式,一般情況及口語表達時大多使用 B make up A)

This language course is composed of four classes focusing on listening, speaking, reading, and writing.


* A consist of B

Ryan's latest art exhibition not only consists of his photos, but also his videos.
Wendy says her perfect Saturday night consists of a good movie at home with a big bag of popcorn.

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