盧森堡交通改革 祭出大眾運輸免費措施 - 空中美語部落格

盧森堡交通改革 祭出大眾運輸免費措施


(Image From:Pixabay)



The tiny country of Luxembourg(盧森堡)has eliminated fares on buses, trams, and trains.


The government hopes that free transportation will encourage more people to stop driving.

盧森堡為全歐洲道路上最多汽車的國家,該國的駕駛每星期花費超過 30 個小時於壅塞的路況中。

Luxembourg has more cars on its roads than anywhere else in Europe(歐洲). Drivers there spend over 30 hours a week in traffic jams.


The country needs to improve road transportation because the population is quickly expanding.


Additionally, workers from other countries bring extra traffic problems into the country. Many people from France(法國), Germany(德國), and Belgium(比利時)commute to Luxembourg for work.


Therefore, neither visitors nor residents6 need to pay fares on public transportation now.


Public transportation in Luxembourg was already cheap. The government has always funded most of the system, so it won't lose much money.


In fact, it will save some money because employees no longer need to check tickets.