蟲蟲危機 蝗蟲過境東非陷糧食危機 - 空中美語部落格

蟲蟲危機 蝗蟲過境東非陷糧食危機


(Image From:flickr_Laika ac)


East Africa has suffered a terrible invasion of desert locusts.

今年的災情對索馬利亞和衣索比亞來說,是過去 25 年以來最糟糕的;同時也是肯亞 70 年來規模最大的蝗災。

This year's invasion is the worst in Somalia and Ethiopia in 25 years. Meanwhile, it's the worst locust invasion in Kenya in 70 years.

其中一批共約 2 千億隻的蝗蟲群湧入肯亞,肆虐了 2 千 4 百平方公里的區域。

One invasion in Kenya covered 2,400 square kilometers and contained about 200 billion of the insects.

自 2018 年以來發生的多場暴雨和氣旋助長了這些蝗蟲數量的增加。

Heavy rains and cyclones since 2018 helped the locust population increase.


esert locusts rapidly have babies, fly, and destroy crops by eating them.


Many people in this region of Africa already lack enough food. Now, the locust invasion poses an even more serious threat to food security.

根據聯合國糧食及農業組織指出:控制這波蝗災的緊急措施預估耗費 7 千萬美元。

According to the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), an emergency action plan to control the locusts is estimated to cost US$70 million.

如果沒有採取控制的行動,蝗蟲的數量在 2020 年 6 月可能會增長 5 百倍之多。

Without control actions, the locust population could be 500 times larger by June 2020.