長的很像,意思卻不一樣的「give up」、「give up on」
(Image from freepik.com)
「Never give up! 💪」相信這句勵志名言大家都聽過,意在鼓勵人凡事要堅持到底「永不放棄」,終究會有所得,此外它還有一個雙胞胎片語👉「give up on sth」,差別在它指的是「意念」上的放棄:
💔 give up sth 放棄;讓出
Tony decided to give up smoking as a goal for the new year.
💔 give up on sth 放棄對…的希望
When Trevor forgot about their dinner date for the second time, Olive gave up on him.
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