知道皮卡丘、長頸鹿,那你知道「歐卡皮鹿」嗎? - 空中美語部落格



(Image From:flickr_Eric Kilby)


The okapi is an animal with stripes on its back legs like a zebra. It also has a head like a horse or a donkey.
However, it is in the same family as the giraffe.
歐卡皮鹿有大耳朵以及長舌頭,事實上,牠們可以用 30 公分長的舌頭來清洗牠們的眼皮及耳朵!
Okapis have large ears and long tongues. In fact, they can clean their eyelids and ears with their 30-centimeter-long tongues!
They only live in the Ituri Rainforest in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This country is in central Africa. 


okapi (n.) 歐卡皮鹿;㺢㹢狓
stripe (n.) 條紋
giraffe (n.) 長頸鹿
eyelid (n.) 眼皮;眼瞼
central (adj.) 中心的;在中間的