漁業廢料新生命 魚鱗變身可分解塑膠 - 空中美語部落格

漁業廢料新生命 魚鱗變身可分解塑膠


(Image From:James Dyson Award)
英國一名大學生發明了一種新型態的塑膠,採用有機材質製作,並且不會產生垃圾。這名學生的名字叫做 Lucy Hughes。
A university student in the UK has invented a new type of plastic. It’s organic and it doesn’t become garbage. The student’s name is Lucy Hughes.
Her invention is made from fish scales and skin. It solves another problem by also helping to reduce fish waste. Waste from the fishing industry can be collected and used to make the plastic. The new plastic also uses less energy to produce, which also helps the environment.
Normal plastic stays on Earth for hundreds of years. This new material, however, breaks down and becomes part of the environment. It’ll be perfect for common uses like food packaging.
Hughes 將她的發明稱為 MarinaTex,並因此於最近獲頒了詹姆士戴森獎,該獎項獎勵運用獨創方法解決全球問題的年輕人。
Hughes calls her invention MarinaTex, and she recently won a James Dyson Award(詹姆士戴森獎) for it. This award goes to young people who find imaginative design solutions to global problems.




invent (v.) 發明
└ invention (n.) 發明
organic (adj.) 有機物的;生物體的
scale (n.) 鱗片
break down (phr.)分解 
packaging (n.) 包裝
imaginative (adj.) 富有創造力的;創造性的