相似片語no less than? no more than? 到底是多還是少?簡單教你區分! - 空中美語部落格

相似片語no less than? no more than? 到底是多還是少?簡單教你區分!


no less than、no more than

(Picture from freepik.com)
no less/ fewer than」和「no more than」是兩個用來形容數量的英文片語,但因為兩者長得很像的關係,常常會讓學習者感到混淆,今天小編就一次將兩者拿出來比較說明~突破大家的困惑點吧!
🔰 no less/fewer than → 字面直翻就是「不少於(某數目或數量)」,換句話來說有「多達、至少」的意思,其中當修飾的名詞為不可數時使用less,反之可數名詞則用fewer
Plane tickets to Europe are so expensive right now at no less than NT$50,000! 
🔰 no more than →則是「不多於(某數目或數量)」的意思,和英文單字「only」相似,表達「僅僅;只不過是;不超過」。
Jet is very careful with his money, and he spends no more than NT$100 on lunch every day.
The fire burned through this part of the forest, leaving no more than a few trees.

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