「even though」與「even if」的差異 - 空中美語部落格

「even though」與「even if」的差異


(Image From:Freepik)

even 本身不可當連接詞用,但可搭配 if/though 引導副詞子句,置於句首或句中,用法及比較如下:

even though vs. even if

even though/even if 都可放句首,但皆不可和 but 並用。

even though 雖然...;儘管...(與although意義相近)

S1 + V1…, even though + S2 + V2…
= Even though S2 + V2…, S1 + V1…
The sky is still sunny, even though it's 7 p.m.
= Even though it's 7 p.m., the sky is still sunny
雖然已經晚上 7 點了,天空還是很亮。

even if 就算...;即使...

S1 + V1…, even if + S2 + V2…
= Even if S2 + V2…, S1 + V1…
I'll still go by myself, even if no one wants to see a movie.
= Even if no one wants to see a movie, I'll still go by myself.

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