英文比一比:「instead」和「instead of」的用法及差異 - 空中美語部落格

英文比一比:「instead」和「instead of」的用法及差異



易混淆英文:instead vs. instead of
英文閱讀中看見instead」和「instead of」是否讓你時常感到混淆呢總是搞不懂何時可以用「instead」?何時該用片語「instead of」?今天小編重點整理讓你一次搞懂用法:
instead 「取而代之的是...;反而…」
It might rain tomorrow, so let's hold the barbecue indoors instead.
Terry didn't go to school this morning. Instead, he stayed at home and slept.
= Terry didn't go to school this morning; instead, he stayed at home and slept.
Tessa didn't go home immediately last night. Instead, she went to the movie theater.
= Tessa didn't go home immediately last night; instead, she went to the movie theater.
片語 instead of 「並非...;而不是...」
Jimmy is disappointed that he only got a score of 90 instead of 100 on his English test.
Instead of watching TV, Nathan is reading a book in his room.
I'm going to drink water instead of soda because it's healthier.
instead 和 instead of也可以互換使用喔!
She didn't get in trouble. Instead, she started a global movement and got invited to speak to the US government.
= Instead of getting in trouble, she started a global movement and got invited to speak to the US government.

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