易混淆英文:「because」跟「because of」的用法差異 - 空中美語部落格

易混淆英文:「because」跟「because of」的用法差異



because 和 because of 的用法比較

說到「因為」的英文,不得不提到『because』和『because of』的用法差異,前者是從屬連接詞,後面引導副詞子句作修飾;而後者是介係詞片語,後面必須接名詞(片語)或動名詞,做為它的受詞,往下看說明:





We didn't go to th park because it began to rain.
= Because it began to rain, we didn't go to the park.

 because of +N



Because of th typhoon, there willbe no school tomorrow.
The innocent whale died because of humans' actions.


Because it's raining, we decided to go camping next week instead.
Because of the rain, we decided to go camping next week instead. 
The students weren't paying attention in class because there were loud noises outside.
→The students weren't paying attention in class because of the loud noises outside.
Because your exam results were good, I'll take you to the movies.
→ I'll take you to the movies because your exam results were good.
→ I'll take you to the movies because of your good exam results.

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