與副詞 away 搭配的常見英文片語
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你常看到與「away」搭配的片語呢?這些片語都有一個共通點,就是帶有「離開;不在」的涵義,以下舉例 4 個比較常常用的 away片 語給大家:
✔ away (adv.) 不在;離開
Mom allows us to have fast food when she's away for two days.
✔ keep sth away 使某物遠離(不靠近;遠離)
Stacey put her dog outside to keep it away from the food in the kitchen.
Stacey 把她的狗拴在外頭,好讓牠遠離廚房裡的食物。
✔ wash away 沖走;沖掉
The rain washed away the mud on my car. Now I don’t need to clean it!
✔ take away 帶走;移除
We took away our own garbage when we finished having a picnic at the park.
✔ go away 消失
Jonathan broke his finger. It took a long time for the pain to go away.
Jonathan 的手指骨折了,疼痛持續了一段時間才消去。