四個常見又好用的 block 用法 - 空中美語部落格

四個常見又好用的 block 用法


四個常見又好用的 block 用法

你曾在路上被外國朋友問路過嗎?比起有點模糊的說直走五分鐘,明確的表達會路過幾個「block 街區」會更好喔!今天就來介紹block這個單字的其他字義吧:

(n.) 街區

I walk to school. It's only six blocks away from my house.
我都走路去學校,學校離我家只有 6 個街區遠。

(n.) 磚;塊;積木

As a youngster, I liked to play with Barbie dolls, toy cars, and wooden blocks.
The yellow blocks on this sidewalk have bumps to help guide blind people away from danger.

(n.) 大樓;大廈office block 辦公大樓)

The block across the street has many apartments. Many families live there.

(v.) 阻擋

I got some new lenses for my glasses that block blue light to stop it from hurting my eyes.
The tree fell after the storm and blocked the road. Cars can’t pass it now.
The driver almost hit a girl when he went around a corner because his vision was blocked by a large tree.
Lisa likes to listen to music on the bus to block out the noise of other passengers.

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