3 個表達「幫助」的英文說法 - 空中美語部落格

3 個表達「幫助」的英文說法



今天要和大家分享表達「幫助」的不同英文說法!最簡單直覺可以用單字 help;或有趣一點可以說「借他人之手」,以下三種用法範例教大家:

• S + help + (sb) + (to) V / with N

My sister and I helped (to) clean the house on Sunday. 
Cindy helps her parents with dinner. She makes the salad every day. 
Cindy 幫忙她的父母親準備晚餐。她負責準備每天的沙拉。

• S + give / lend sb a hand + with + N 

Can you lend me a hand with these boxes? I can't carry them all myself.

• S + do sb a favor + by + V-ing …

favor (n.) 幫助

Julia did Nancy a favor by bringing her soup when she was sick. 
Nancy 生病的時候,Julia 幫忙帶湯過去給她。

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