職場好用片語「put A in touch with B」 - 空中美語部落格

職場好用片語「put A in touch with B」


put sb in touch with sb 將某人的聯絡資料告訴他人

英文中表達「和某人保持聯繫」,常用「be / keep in touch with sb」,但如果是身為中間人幫忙「將B的聯絡資料告訴A」,說法則是「put A in touch with B」,以下例句:

📌 put sb in touch with sb 將某人的聯絡資料告訴他人

If you're looking for a job, I can put you in touch with the head of my department. She'd be happy to meet someone with your skills.

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