TOEIC多益專欄:常考單字 uncover - 空中美語部落格

TOEIC多益專欄:常考單字 uncover


💣While doing research, the students "uncovered" previously unknown information about their school's history.

句子中的動詞 uncover,意思是揭發、揭露的意思。通常表示發現先前被隱藏的秘密。


TOEIC 考試中常見表示【揭發、揭露】的動詞還有哪些呢?

準備TOEIC 考試的詞彙,記得一定要連同單詞的同義詞一起背下來喔!


(1) reveal 揭露先前被隱藏或者隱密的東西。

💬 Documents recently released by the government reavel that the former president knew about the prisoners' torture.



(2) expose 爆料有關某人或某事的真相,特別指負面的事情。

💬 An investigation has exposed the company president's role in its illegal actions.



(3) disclose 揭露先前被隱藏或者隱密的東西

💬 Good journalists never disclose the names of their sources.




👇 快來發摟台南粉專 英文學習不間斷!


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