TOEIC多益專欄 字首 "dis-" - 空中美語部落格

TOEIC多益專欄 字首 "dis-"




字首會改變字義(如:re- 表示重複)



今天要來認識一個基本字首:dis-,意為 apart「分離;分開;除去」或其引申之意。



💡 distract [dɪˋstrækt] 使分心

🔎 -tract = draw 拉開

💬 Todd likes to daydream, so it's very easy for him to get distracted when working on his own.

(Todd 喜歡做白日夢,所以他在自己獨立工作時很容易分心。)


💡 display [dɪˋsple] 陳列;展示

🔎 -play = fold,意指「將疊起來的東西分開」

💬 An important part of job hunting is to display examples of your work or experience online where hiring managers can easily find it.



💡 distribute [dɪˋstrɪbjʊt]  分發;散布

🔎 -tribute = give 意指「分開給」

💬 Every morning, there are people outside the MRT station near my house distributing advertisements for their restaurants.



👇 快來發摟台南粉專 英文學習不間斷!


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