TOEIC多益專欄:文法教學 kick 相關片語
"kick" 的中文意思是【踢】,這個動詞也會與其他單詞組成片語,而產生不同的語義。
(1) kick off 開始
💬 We will kick off the meeting by reviewing the sales reports from the last three months.
(2) kick out (of + N.) 被從...踢出去
💬 Cecile got kicked out of our project team because of her recent work performance.
(Cecile 因為最近的工作表現,被踢出我們專案小組了。)
(3) kick sth. around 隨便聊聊
💬 We need to decide on a group topic; can we meet tomorrow to kick some ideas around?
(4) kick the habit 戒除某個習慣
💬 I drink coffee every day, but I'm trying to kick the habit by switching to tea.
👇 快來發摟台南粉專 英文學習不間斷!
👇 給習慣用IG的你 更多主題式英文教學