TOEIC多益專欄:常考單字 competition - 空中美語部落格

TOEIC多益專欄:常考單字 competition


來複習一下TOEIC 考試中的一個常見單字 "competition" 吧






📜 名詞   competition

📜 動詞   compete with / against + N. 

📜 形容詞  competitive 

📜 名詞(人)  competitor 



(1) competition [͵kɑmpəˋtɪʃən] n. 競爭、競爭的同業;競賽

💬 The local grocery store had a lot of competition from bigger supermarkets.



(2) compete with / against + N.  [[kəmˋpit]] v. 與...比賽/競爭

💬 Teams of students will compete with each other to try to score the most points.



(3) competitive [kəmˋpɛtətɪv] adj. 好勝的;競爭(激烈的);有競爭力的

💬 My brother is really competitive and hates it when he loses at video games.



(4) competitor [kəmˋpɛtətɚ] n. 競爭對手

💬 We think we offer better services and products than our competitors.




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