TOEIC多益專欄:文法教學 the + 比較級
今天的TOEIC文法專欄,我們要來認識【the + 比較級】的句型。
The more tickets you buy, the more chances you'll have to win the lottery.
基本句型是"the + 比較級 + S1 + V1, the + 比較級 + S2 + V2"
(1) 主詞→名詞 (非代名詞),而後面的動詞是 be 動詞,be 動詞可以省略
💬 The more time you spend on a problem, the more satisfying the solution.
►原句是 The more time you spend on a problem, the more satisfying the solution (will be).
💬 The longer the word, the more points the contestants score.
►原句是 The longer the word (is), the more points the contestants score.
(2) 句意明確的情況下,主詞和動詞可以省略
💬 "How hot do you want your tea? "
"The hotter, the better. "
►原句是 "The hotter it is, the better it will be. "
💬 We will try to hit the road before 6 a.m. in order to avoid the traffic; the earlier, the better.
►原句是 the earlier we hit the road, the better it will be.
⛲ 這樣的句型較不容易掌握,可以多從親身經歷或自己周遭取材,多造幾個句子去熟悉句型結構喔。
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