你跟小編一樣時常丟三落四的嗎?例如早上睡過頭,匆忙出門時,最容易忘記把鑰匙或手機帶出門,英文可以用「leave behind」表示,不論用在物上或用在人上,皆可表達「丟棄某物」或「沒帶走的東西」,來看例句:
📌 leave sth behind 丟棄某物;沒帶走某物;留下(痕跡)
Jane left her umbrella behind, and had to go home to get it because it had just started raining.
When Darren suddenly became wealthy, he found new social circles and left his old friends behind.
The reason we know dinosaurs existed is because of the bones they left behind.
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