英文「禮貌性拒絕」的說法:I'm afraid… - 空中美語部落格

英文「禮貌性拒絕」的說法:I'm afraid…


 I’m afraid (that…) 抱歉(用於禮貌地拒絕)

(Picture from freepik.com-storyset)
拒絕」的英文除了Sorry、No, thank you外,你還可以用「I'm afraid (that...)」,語氣上比較正式且委婉,來看例句使用:

📌 I'm afraid (that...)  抱歉(用於禮貌地拒絕)

I'm afraid you can't vote until you are at least 18 years old.
很抱歉,你至少要在滿 18 歲以後才可以投票。
Hi Jenny, I'm afraid that I can't go to dinner with you this Friday  because I have to work late

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