「in sb's shoes」不是真的穿別人的鞋子! - 空中美語部落格

「in sb's shoes」不是真的穿別人的鞋子!



片語介紹:put oneself in sb's shoes

(Picture from freepik.com)
片語「put oneself in sb's shoes」,字面上好像是指穿某人的鞋子,但其實是一種比喻,用來表示「處於某人的處境中」,來看例句:

📌 put oneself in sb's shoes (phr.) 設身處地

(put 的動詞三態為 put-put-put。)

Please put yourself in other people's shoes to understand their thoughts before you complain. 

I would not want to be in Mike's shoes. Our boss is really angry with him right now!
我可不想要陷入跟Mike 一樣的處境。我們老闆現在真的對他很生氣。

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