跟probably一樣表「可能性」的英文用法:likely - 空中美語部落格




likely副詞時意義為「可能地」,意近 probably ;作形容詞時為「可能為真的;可能發生的」,即 probable 的概念,以下詳述:


① likely 作副詞使用

若要更加強調所述的真實性,常以 very/most likely… 表示「極有可能發生、極有可能為真」。

Jason will very likely be late for the meeting because his car broke on the way here.
Considering the evidence we've collected, Arnie is most likely the criminal we've been looking for.

② likely 作形容詞使用

• likely 可置於名詞前加以修飾,表示該要素「可能為真」:

The lack of sunlight was the likely reason why your plant died.
Ben is well-trained in running, and many consider him the likely winner of tomorrow's race.

• 常見句型「It is likely that S + V」,表示 S + V 所表示的事件「可能發生、可能為真」。likely 可與 very, more, less, most, least, not 等字並用來表達可能性的高低。

Mandy refuses to say sorry to Zoey, so it's very likely that their fight will continue.
It isn't likely that we'll be able to travel internationally in the next few months.
It's unlikely that we'll be able to travel internationally in the next few months.
接下來幾個月內我們不太可能進行國際旅遊。(not likely 可改為 unlikely)

•「It is likely that S+V」句型亦可改寫為「S + be likely + to V」:

Luckily, it's likely that the traffic problem will be solved soon.
→ Luckily, the traffic problem is likely to be solved soon.

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